by Tree to Tree Adventure Park Cape May | Mar 5, 2019 | Blog, FAQ's, Specials
We get it. Knowing that you’re safe while you’re up in the air, exploring something new, and expanding your comfort zone is a priority. That’s why we have CLiC-iTs. You’ll find CLiC-iTs on all of our harnesses, keeping you safe up in the trees. If you’re geared...
by Tree to Tree Adventure Park Cape May | Mar 5, 2019 | Blog, FAQ's, Tips
It’s a question that we get often here at Tree to Tree. We get it: it’s sometimes difficult to send your young explorers on an adventure…and you want an adventure too! Our course options are separated by age and height reach. Those ages 7+ with a reach of at least...
by Tree to Tree Adventure Park Cape May | Mar 5, 2019 | Blog, FAQ's, Tips
Maybe. It all depends on the height that the members of your group can reach to, and their ages (Check here for more details!) If you all meet the height and age requirements for the adult’s course, you’ll all be together (assuming your reservation is at the same...
by Tree to Tree Adventure Park Cape May | Mar 5, 2019 | Blog, FAQ's, Tips
An aerial adventure course is an obstacle course set high up in the trees! It requires a bit more physical exertion than a standard zip line tour that you may have experienced elsewhere in the past. If you’ve completed a high ropes course in the past,...