News - Tree to Tree Adventure Park - Page 4

2017 in Review

2017 was a great year here at Tree to Tree Cape May! We loved our first full season in the trees. We’re looking back on an awesome first year and giving you a sneak peak of what’s to come for Tree to Tree in 2018! Our First Night Climb We cracked the glow...

Veteran’s Day

Armistice Day.  Have you heard of it?  It occurred on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918.  It’s unofficially the end of World War I.  (Officially, WWI ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in June of 1919).  Why...

Halloween Costumes

We welcome you wearing a costume to the course for Halloween!  However – your safety is, as always, our main priority.  To ensure your safety up in the trees, check out the below guidelines and costume ideas! Tree to Tree staff retains the right of final...

Why We Fancy the Fall

Happy Fall!  We know that Fall gets a bad rap since it means the sun goes down earlier and the weather cools, but we’re going to take a stance here: Fall is great. There’s so many magical things about this time of the year: the fall colors, Halloween,...

2017 Summer Bucket List

We’re sorry to say it, but the Summer is winding down.  When it was Memorial Day, and the whole summer was stretching out luxuriously in front of you, what were some of the things that you wanted to do this summer?  Did your bucket list include getting outside...